

I've decided, with the support of my best friend, Marissa, and of my loving boyfriend, that I need to tell my parents that I have shifted my job search to Austin, plan on moving up there as soon as I get a job. I am trying to tell people that I have a trip planned so that I can maybe interview while I'm up there. I need to tell my dad that I am going to be in Austin from the 28th-6th, mom already knows, and I have to tell them that I've switched my job search to Austin instead of down here, because if I get a job down here I'll have to put in at least a year, which means another year apart from Jeremy, and that's not what I want. I also have to break the news to them that I'm planning on moving in with Jeremy instead of getting a place of my own - it'll be cheaper and besides, either he'll be at my place, or I'll be at his, so it's kind of pointless to get a separate place. I know I'm going to get long conversations and huffs n puffs and I'm not looking forward to it AT ALL. But I can't just get a job and then say "mom, dad, i got a job, i'm moving in two weeks." I don't think I'm going to do it tonight, but I have to do it soon. I just need to stick to my guns and not blow up when they express their concerns and unhappiness. I need to remain calm, and show them it's not some spur of the moment idea I'm having. They need to see that I mean what I say and that it's what I want, and that I at least have a plan, and this is what I want, and what I'm going to do.



Cheerful Homemaker said...

Good luck! It's always scary to tell your parents big news, but it's always best to be honest from the beginning!

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

I think this is a very good idea. And the best thing you can do is what you already said.....remain calm, let them blow, and then explain your reasons.
I support you!