
Gettin' This Christmas Started!

Sunday we put up our tree, but we didn't put any ornaments on it so that we can see how the kittens would act with our tree. They've been climbing all over it and even up the tree LOL We have a spray bottle and are working on that (don't worry - we turn off the lights before we spray them).

We may not even put up ornaments at all because they'd probably all end up broken, but we are going to be putting decorations all over the house. I can't wait for Christmas - I LOVE it.

More pics will come later :D I wish it would get cold and STAY that way!

1 comment:

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

Hi Adri! I'm here! LOL! Sorry I have not been reading blogs lately. I have been so busy trying to find those stupid hatchling eggs! LOL! I love your tree. Very pretty...and huge!
Our kitties so far do not climb the tree. They didn't last year either. They do like to steal ornaments from it though. So I hang wood ones or ones that they can not break down there. Hopefully that will keep them from the good ones!!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!