
Just Venting...

I completed that background check packet tonight... it was crazy detailed! The thing I didn't like most about it was all of the debt questions. I haven't worked since last April, Yes - a whole year. Because I haven't worked, I also haven't paid on any bills.... at ALL. Now, I know that eff's up my credit, but I have no money. I haven't even been in contact with two of the four things I owe on for a while, so I had none of the information the packet was asking.... so I just guesstimated. They are going to do a credit check, which I (my mom) had to pay $20 for, and I know they are going to get all of the information. I also know that they ask me for the information in order to see if I lie or not... I am just nervous. I don't want them to NOT interview me/hire me because I owe money and have like a $20,000 student loan and haven't paid them for a year. I really would have paid them if I had money and a job... and if they hired me then I would start paying again - ESPECIALLY if I got hired for this job with the county as a dispatcher. I think it's good that they check credit and stuff to see how responsible people are, but they shouldn't hold it against you if you couldn't help it.... UGH! I will be really sad if I don't get at least an interview because of my effing debt :(

1 comment:

Cheerful Homemaker said...

My cousin applied for a job with local govt and they won't hire anyone with so much debt, especially if you're defaulting on them.