
Just a few pictures from my trip to Austin...

**Pics are in reverse order and I don't feel like moving them around :D**

This was right before I left :(

We went to the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum - here we're waiting to watch Under the Sea 3D at the IMAX theater.... we loved our glasses!

This is us holding hands at the Star of Texas movie.

Jeremy and his bandmates practicing.

I thought I took really awesome action shots... When I get better and have better lenses, they won't be so blurry LOL!

Here is crowd at the stadium for the Rangers vs. Royals game... I was rooting for the Royals, and they won 12-3 :D

Another action shot... my friend Adrianna says he's De Jesus and he's hot LOL

Neal McCoy sang the National Anthem

This sums up the look on Jeremy and I's faces as his dad helped his mom navigate our way to Arlington :D (we just kept our lips zipped!)

This is Frida ... she's a great dog!

Jeremy loves Frida because she doesn't try to bite people like their old dog, Jake, did.
And that's it... I have a ton of pictures... but I don't feel like putting them all on here LOL I'm going back up May 13th for 2 weeks. I'll be house/dog sitting for Jeremy's parents. I'm hoping to have news on a job too.... We'll see!

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