
Need your opinions.....

OK - first thing's first:

my most favoritest HBO series is coming out on DVD in May.... TRUEBLOOD!!!!

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My question to you guys - should I pre-order it on amazon.com??? I have no special occasions coming up where I could ask for it as a gift LOL. When you pre-order it on amazon.com, instead of $60 it's $38.99 AND it ships for FREE. I don't have a job still... but I did get paid from jury duty.

Question #2:

For Christmas, mom got me the box set of the Sookie Stackhouse novels (books 1-7)... I'm on book #4 FYI hahaha...... When I was looking at the TrueBlood stuff on amazon, I discovered that Book #8 is going to come out in paper back March 31... and I can preorder it for $4something. Should I? It, too, ships free!

I also saw that there is a book #9 coming out, but in hardcover... THAT I am going to wait for on paper back since all my other books are paperback :) But I'm still excited about it !!!

So, please help! Should I preorder TrueBlood and the 8th book in my series? LOL

I hate spending money when I know I have none coming in... but yea.....

Luv ya guys!

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