I went up to Austin to visit a friend and her boyfriend. They told me that one of their friends, someone my friend's b.f. went to school with, was having a party for Halloween. We get all dressed up and head over to his house. When we walk in... there is NO ONE there... and he says he had just taken off his costume. All I remember of his wife is the back of her head going into the bedroom hall LOL!!! We sit and hang out for a while... he goes and puts his costume on... a long red costume with a blackout face mask. Too funny! Then the boys went and were messing with the computer... finally my friend and I went and told her boyfriend that we were ready to go. Here's a picture of how I looked when Jeremy first saw me:
hard to see - but it was a "Priestess" costume
March 12, 2006:I was at South Padre Island with my brother for a couple of days on Spring Break. I was on the phone with Jeremy... the guy I had met through mutual friends back on Halloween '03. I had seen his picture on my friend's MySpace page and didn't know if he'd remember me. I remembered he had told my friend that he thought I was hot and he liked me... so I decided to toy with his mind and flirt with no intentions of taking things further (which was so not like me anyways LOL) After a couple of messages, we started talking on Yahoo Messenger both on the computer AND our phones. When we were on the computer he would turn on his webcam and as I watched him, I started to fall for him... thus, throwing my evil plans out the window! After texting for a couple of days, I asked him, "How long is it going to take you to call me since you already have my phone number?" He replied, "I'm getting out of work - I'll call you in a few mins." I had been laying on my bed, and I totally fell asleep and missed his call, but I called him back as soon as I woke up. He had left a voice mail saying, "Hey, Adriana, it's only me, you don't have to be scared. Call me back." LOL! We started talking on the phone and I fell for him quickly. From the first MySpace message, to the day he asked me to be his girlfriend was only 10 days! Three years later, I have no regrets :)
Here are a bunch of pictures from over the past three years with commentaries.
This is the first EVER picture of he and I together. It was taken the first time he and I saw each other after becoming boyfriend/girlfriend. April '06.

We LOVE to snuggle on the couch and watch movies together. (He's holding up my head with his hand! Such a thoughtful guy!)

He sends me flowes on special ocassions AND unexpectedly! These he sent me on Halloween in celebration of the day he first laid eyes on me :)
We've gone to his sister's wedding (this was the first time we got to be with each other because he was so busy all night with the music), but it was a great night.
He's taken care of my foot when I hurt it running down his stairs.
I love this man, with my whole entire heart and soul. Every waking moment, right babe?

1 comment:
Aww... cute photos!
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