Not that I'm thrilled about it, but I did miss my parents and my kitties. The down side, though, is that now I miss Jeremy again :( Oh well... I'm going back up in May to house sit for the in-law's and dog sit. They just got a new dog, she's probably less than a year old. She is a Basenji named Frida. They don't think she will be adjusted enough, come May, to be in the house alone... she was in a bad home and then in a shelter for a week, but she has some issues. I would either stay at their house, or take Frida to Jeremy's... but if his new roomie, Jill, and her two cats are still living there, then I would probably stay at their house in Buda.
Here is a picture of Frida trying to say Hi to their cat Scarlett.

Jeremy was practicing his guitar one evening and I was sitting up in his room reading/listening to him and I decided to bust out my camera since I hadn't taken any pictures at all... Here are some of the resulting photos :)

Wednesday we got up and went to his parent's house for dinner 'round 6pm.

I shoulda had some color on my lips, but it would've come off when we ate anyhow :D
The next few days we did some driving around..... and I, of course, took pictures !!!

This is how Sugar welcomed me home last night.
What I didn't get pictures of was of how bored I got... and how I started to clean his room! I got most of the trash out.... Oh! I bought new pillows the second day because after my first night I had a creak in my neck :( He loved having new pillows. So I got the trash out, I gathered his clothes.... I didn't dust or vacuum, but I did do his laundry LMAO! I also managed to get him to go through his clothes and get rid of 2 trash bags full of clothes, which went to the Salvation Army :) I felt productive and kinda Susie Homemaker-ish.
It's weird being back home.... LOL and mom even said it was weird coming home and me being there... she said she had just gotten used to me being gone! Too funny! I had just gotten used to being with Jeremy every day :)
I cannot wait to go back up in May, if I haven't found a job before then. I was surprised... one conversation I had with my dad he asked if I had dropped off an application and was telling me I shouldn't wait and I should try to get interview's set up. I don't know if he was sincere... but I give him kudos for making the effort! Major kudos ;)
I will NEVER again.... with y'all as my witnesses....... go six months, or even three, without seeing my Jeremy!!!
It's weird being back home.... LOL and mom even said it was weird coming home and me being there... she said she had just gotten used to me being gone! Too funny! I had just gotten used to being with Jeremy every day :)
I cannot wait to go back up in May, if I haven't found a job before then. I was surprised... one conversation I had with my dad he asked if I had dropped off an application and was telling me I shouldn't wait and I should try to get interview's set up. I don't know if he was sincere... but I give him kudos for making the effort! Major kudos ;)
I will NEVER again.... with y'all as my witnesses....... go six months, or even three, without seeing my Jeremy!!!
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